The sweet poppet who felt confined in this world of politics, arranged marriages and lady like behaviour decided to follow a little white rabbit with a waist coat and accidentally fell down a hole! Well, what people don’t know about Alice is that she is a horny little fuck! And falling into that hole has done nothing but set her free in the land of dreams, where she can gallivant around butt-naked, tits out and hormones racing! Now, in this Wonderland of vodka flowing rivers that glisten like disco balls and topsy-turvey flowers that enchant you with their smiles, this blonde bomb shell is out to play, and play she will! Although she has the tendency to be horribly vulgar and quite sultry at the same time- she’s a load of fun and will probably get your blood pumping, in all the right places!


The Queen of Hearts is a bitch. Her title most ironic. The Queen has anything but a heart (nor a brain for that matter). In its place lies a chamber full of hate and anger, pumping rage through her every being, her body feeding off other peoples misery and misfortunes. The Queen of Hearts, unable to see others pain through her own vanity, has no remorse or guilt. She is brutally honest and delivers it as it is. No matter how grotesque or unwanted the news might be. Through all of this, however, the Queen has an attractiveness about her. Like a spell it draws you in. Even with her arrogance, vulgarity, and plain right rudeness, one cannot help but to like her. Slowly you get sucked in and before you know it you too are one of her cards, her minions, laughing at her insults and joining in the name-game. Her hilarious outlook on life and inability to hold back on anything draws you to the dark side in one swift swing of the club


You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.


Thursday, April 15

"We look down upon Stellenbosch as the drunken vagrants of tertiary education."

Coming out on top: UCT wins again PDF Print E-mail
Written by Anton Taylor   
Thursday, 08 April 2010 09:44

At the time of writing this I, like many other UCT students, am doing my best to come to terms with the loss of the Ikeys in last Monday’s Varsity Cup Final. I would love to say that it is just a game of rugby, and that I don’t care about what happened, but sadly, I cannot. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, the game meant a lot to me, as it did to thousands of us, and I really, really wanted us to win.(but you didn't) We had fought so hard (Bullshit!) and a loss was always going to be heartbreaking, especially when we came so close to taking the cup. (I agree that our boys were not up to their usual standard, but in stating this, it just shows how pathetic UCT is, because we should have lost- with all the ball dropping and shitty passes, but we didn’t, because even with all our flaws, UCT still managed to do worse.)

The second, and probably bigger, reason that our loss irks me so much is because of the way in which people seem to assign to the result of the game some measurement as to which university is better (and I use the word ‘university’ very lightly, in fact rather ironically, when referencing that torpid hell-hole of ‘academic’ squalor). (I have no idea where this information is coming from because Varsity Rugby has nothing to do with academics or the level of the University as such. Ikeys and Maties are merely rugby club teams that can be joined by any person within a certain age gap who has skills, therefore representing the area of Stellenbosch and Cape Town rather than just the Universities.)

I generally seek to avoid mentioning such repulsive places in my writing, but I can no longer do so. We need to have the Stellenbosch talk. I have to clear things up, and you need to know this: UCT has always been, is, and always will be, superior to Stellenbosch. In all endeavours, including rugby, UCT wins. (Your over ambitious statements have no factual proof, so stop blowing steam out of your arse. Stellenbosch is renowned for its traditions and camaraderie. Something that UCT does not and never will posses.

I do not need to describe Stellenbosch to any of you that have been there. If you were there last Monday you would have experienced the hate, the bigotry and the absolute bloody barbarism of its inmates. You were probably pelted with cans as you walked out of the stadium and, if you walked in alone (as I once did) - (and always will, because you are a sore little loser.), you would probably have been pushed into the fence or thrown to the ground by hordes of drunk, red-faced shouting dogs. If you were with a girl, a big gang of them might have come up to you and sworn at her, hoping you would retaliate so that they might beat you to a pulp. (The things you are mentioning happen all over the world when people get drunk. You have no right to generalise Stellenbosch like this. I come from Cape Town and most of my very good friends are in UCT, it is foolish of you to think that shit does not get out of hand in your part of the woods. I can assure you that if there were any fights or 'bullying' behaviour going on, it was probably caused by sad, aggressive UCT students, whom, like yourself were so let down about how crap your team administered the game, that the only way to let this aggression out was to look for trouble with a joyous, happy Maties drunkard. Either that, or your face is really offensive and grotesque and me myself would not even think twice before sticking my foot in it- not because you are from UCT, but because you are ugly, please stop taking your personal issues out on us. The students here are passionate and vibrant. They wouldn’t waste their time kicking a random dude’s ass for no reason when they could be out getting jiggy)

Every time I’m in Stellenbosch I find myself waiting for somebody to run up to me and go, “It’s a joke! It’s a joke! This isn’t real!” When I hear ‘Die Stem’ blaring through residence windows, and guys in cars are driving past and calling us ‘k-lovers’, I keep waiting for somebody to tap me on the shoulder and go, “We really had you going there! You didn’t actually think that this could really happen in South Africa in 2010, did you?” Yet nobody ever does. (Being the cleaver UCT student that you claim to be, you are doing something really stupid! By seeing Stellenbosch students as racist you are only encouraging the problems we have in South Africa today. You know it is not true, Stellenbosch, just as UCT is rich in different cultures, I have many black, Indian and Asian friends who do not, even slightly feel threatened at this University. What is your problem? The only type of discrimination going on is coming from you- 'Die Stem' is enjoyed throughout the Afrikaans communities and maybe it's not so much the University you have a problem with, but Afrikaners??

So let’s look at some hard facts, some of which you already know:

1. In the international rankings, Stellenbosch ranks hundreds of positions below UCT. Where exactly it falls is hard to tell, because the rankings generally stop after 500. (Coming into Stellenbosch University, every single student is aware that their degree will not be internationally recognised although some of them are. It is a choice of life we make. I personally plan to graduate from Stellenbosch and work in South Africa to bring something to the table and hopefully contribute to South African stance in the world, as we are the leaders of tomorrow. But in the real world, if a Stellenbosch student were up against a UCT student, applying from the same job, internationally, the UCT student would be Axed. If you are a representative for UCT, then I don’t think you stand a chance in hell because of your sheer arrogance and aggression.)

2. Stellenbosch is easier to get accepted into. Anybody who has applied to UCT knows that, and  they also know how dubious and tired it becomes when some partially-retarded tool tells you, “I went to Stellies because it’s so much more fun than UCT.” (Fuck you are so egotistical and retarded! Are you seriously blaming someone for trying to get a proper education? If someone has applied to UCT but didn’t get accepted, should they just forget about their future and give up because "UCT is the best university and any other university will never be enough" look at yourself, you utter prick! How many people out there are trying to better themselves and become something, but no, they get mocked! You are pathetic.) Secondly- Stellenbosch is sooooooo much more fun! no one can deny that and you actually don’t have a say in that matter as you clearly don't know anything about Stellenbosch because you obviously do not and never will have any friends here, whom you can visit and experience Stellenbosch completely.)

3. At Stellenbosch rugby is everything, however, at UCT our Sports Council is seemingly intent on crippling our rugby side. Our budget is no more than R350 000. Theirs is nearing R6 million. We are an academic institution playing against a sports academy. We are accountants and engineers playing against full-time rugby players with degrees in BA Finger-painting. So the fact that we so nearly beat them, and that we one day will beat them, is a disgrace and humiliation to the students of Stellenbosch. If you think about what we did with what we have, UCT wins. (Don’t take the fact that you have a shitty budget out on us, money does fuck all when you are out on the field. there it is down to raw talent, hard work and determination. I'm not suggesting that UCT rugby does not possess these qualities, but we are just better. Further, if your “accountants and engineers” find it so hard to win a game and keep up with practise times, then maybe they should stick to the books and leave rugby to the guys who live and breathe it.)

When we lose it hurts, it chokes and for a while it sits on your shoulders, but that’s part of life. And part of being a UCT student is dealing with that pain, painting on some more blue, enduring their bigotry and beer cans, and continually supporting our boys, even during the wind-swept games without alcohol on the Green Mile. We do this because in our hearts we know that we are better. And if we can suffer, carry on and contest against rugby teams with far superior resources, can you imagine what will happen when we take that resolve and put it behind the best academic teachings on the continent? It’s actually unfair. (I’m all for pep talks, bring the positivity back, your pain must be too great to handle, so great in fact, that you are trying every single irrelevant excuse in the book as to why you didn’t perform. Nothing that you say to make you feel good about yourself again will change the score board, our budget, international recognition and teaching has absolutely nothing to do with your inadequate rugby team, and you know this, therefore you bring up pathetic, untrue excuses- fuck, how broke up about this can one person be?)

But perhaps we should let them take their victory in the final. Let them savour that fleeting happiness while it lasts. Let them keep their dumb, muck cheerleaders and their biased MC’s. Let them drink brandy and talk about how they beat the souties and the blacks. (The only reason you think our cheerleaders are “dumb” and “muck” is because they wouldn’t settle for your sad ass, and yes, we shall continue to drink our brandy until we pass out, and we will have good clean fun! I am a “soutie” and Stellenbosch, with its Afrikaans heart and soul is my fucking wonderland! Never have I ever seen a Stellenbosch student beat up a person just because they are black, or English. You have no evidence, no right and no brain!)   Because, deep down, beneath that bravado, beneath the red faces of the men, and the make-up caked veneers of the women (women, not ladies), as they choke on that stale, old air of the past, they know what the future holds. They know that soon enough they will be flung out of their all-white racist enclave into a country and world which has moved on without them and which has no place for them. (You are the one who is left behind! In a time where people are trying desperately to dim down racism and create a unified South Africa, you come in with your unsubstantiated remarks and petty comments. You have crossed the line in attacking us personally- the women and men from Stellenbosch are part of the make-up of South Africa. They come from far and wide to attend one of the most unified and prestigious universities. These people are all around you, all around the world. You are alienating yourself like a fool. Less than 5% of the students come from Stellenbosch itself. They are from everywhere and they fucking love it here. Now, either you are a first year and don’t know how things work or you just have a way of making yourself believe in the impossible- but Stellenbosch Maties have been unbeaten for a few years now, and I am quite confident in saying that it shall remain that way for many years to come.

As the ill and old desperately cling on whilst feeling that cold dark death pulling them downwards, so too let these pitiful creatures frantically hold on to their dying way of life. For soon they will realise that their degrees don’t cut it overseas. (Neither does your attitude and screwed up perspective) Soon they will be serving the spoilt UCT first-years drinks. Soon they will be calling a black woman ‘boss’. And perhaps, in the midst of that great bleakness, it might make their pitiful existences a bit less depressing to think that they beat us in rugby a couple of times. (As humble as our University, I will humbly say that that may so be true. If serving spoilt UCT first years means we can take your money and earn ourselves and honest day’s work then so be it. And why do you mention “calling a black woman “boss” as a negative connotation? That is very possible considering the rise is women’s rights, leading to their higher stance in society. Or were you referring to the fact that she is black? Does that matter? Are you ultimately racist?)

We are standing upon the mountain as the leaders and creators of the future South Africa, and world. We look down upon Stellenbosch as the drunken vagrants of tertiary education. We are harder to get in, we are stronger academically, we are more diverse, we are more peaceful, we are braver, we will be richer, and despite their desperate proclamations, our girls are much prettier. (If you; a conceited, discriminative, stereotypical, egotistical, presumptuous kid, considers yourself a future leader in South Africa, then this country is looking pretty bleak. Your racial and uninformed remarks are disgusting and distasteful. You are exactly the kind of person this country and its people are trying to get away from. Your perceptions and notions about students in Stellenbosch lead one to believe that you have personal insecurities that need to be dealt with and that you are definitely not a candidate who can make these kinds of statements in the public eye, as you bring negativity, irrationality and disgrace to our land and UCT should be ashamed of you.)

UCT wins. UCT wins. UCT wins.
Anton is a sore loser. Anton is a sore loser. Anton is a sore loser.


  1. another response:

  2. This is awesome! I agree with the response from this blog! Anton is a douchebag!!!!!

  3. Self-righteous prick. It's a shame he wasn't out on the field actually playing for UCT instead of wetting himself on the sidelines as they lost, seeing as rugby is such a big deal to him.

  4. You obviously don't have a life cause you spend your time writing the biggest load of shit anyone could possibly say!! I got accepted into both uct and Stellenbosch for engineering - uct phoned countless times offering me a place and wanting me to go there rather than anywhere else - I chose Stellenbosch because most UCT students are arrogant, sore losers - and i didn't want to end up like them!! Stellenbosch is the most amazing place in South Africa - and everyone who spends time here agrees!! the student life in Stellenbosch actually exists unlike at uct!! Stellenbosch and the people here are simply the best!! and most of the UCT guys that i have spoken to think that the stellenbosch girls are way way better than the uct ones!!So please cry us a river, buil a bridge and get over it you pathetic little person!!

  5. Can I just say that it is so refreshing to hear your response to anton's whiny bitchy groaning. I don't want to get personal and dislike being rude about someone when I don't actually know them, however, seeing as Anton can be so blantantly horrible about all stellenbosch students and generalise to the extent that he did, I see no reason in being careful about what I say.

    Don't get me wrong, A.T is a good writer (and if I were at UCT i'd be waving his flag high)but im not- i'm a proud Matie. I live in Cape Town with most of my best friends studying at UCT. So this is not intended to be UCT hate mail. Instead, i would like to say to Anton that I think it's pathethic and rather desperate to write an article about such a generalised group, just to get the support of as many UCT students as possible (Of course he would get a response to an article like this versus an article about the game itself). Anton, You have been in Stellies many a time and by the sound of things (and pictures taken of you) you have enjoyed the town almost too much. We are at different universities and of course there will be rivalry, but if you have to take a loss so badly, could a phonecall to a mate not have done the job??. Stop feeling so sorry for yourself, enjoy your studies at UCT and leave us alone to get on with it (and enjoy our hard earned rugby victory).
    While you may have thought that writing this article would have brought you fame, popularity and happiness, you gained over 2000 Maties who absolutly, undoubtedly and unquestionally hate your ass. Enjoy the "win".

  6. I don't attend either universities currently, however I have experieced life in both with older friends of mine and in the end I think that the real reason why the kids over at stellies are taking this so seriously is because it holds some truth.

    Whenever i party it up in stellies there are problems, the jocks get pissed and set out to cause trouble. Peeing on dance floors (terace foot - need i say more) starting fights for no reason and starting shit with girls.

    I think that stellies has to work on its rep and start pulling its weight as a university rather then some sort of barbaric gang.

    Anton hope you make it out alive mate, you may have a point but if i were you i'd stay clear from stellies for a year or two.

  7. I don't attend either universities currently, but stay close by to Stellies. There are still a lot of racist prinks there (not everybody). If I had to decide between hanging out with a hill billy or a soutie. I would go soutie any day. Stellies has a very racist under tone.
