The sweet poppet who felt confined in this world of politics, arranged marriages and lady like behaviour decided to follow a little white rabbit with a waist coat and accidentally fell down a hole! Well, what people don’t know about Alice is that she is a horny little fuck! And falling into that hole has done nothing but set her free in the land of dreams, where she can gallivant around butt-naked, tits out and hormones racing! Now, in this Wonderland of vodka flowing rivers that glisten like disco balls and topsy-turvey flowers that enchant you with their smiles, this blonde bomb shell is out to play, and play she will! Although she has the tendency to be horribly vulgar and quite sultry at the same time- she’s a load of fun and will probably get your blood pumping, in all the right places!


The Queen of Hearts is a bitch. Her title most ironic. The Queen has anything but a heart (nor a brain for that matter). In its place lies a chamber full of hate and anger, pumping rage through her every being, her body feeding off other peoples misery and misfortunes. The Queen of Hearts, unable to see others pain through her own vanity, has no remorse or guilt. She is brutally honest and delivers it as it is. No matter how grotesque or unwanted the news might be. Through all of this, however, the Queen has an attractiveness about her. Like a spell it draws you in. Even with her arrogance, vulgarity, and plain right rudeness, one cannot help but to like her. Slowly you get sucked in and before you know it you too are one of her cards, her minions, laughing at her insults and joining in the name-game. Her hilarious outlook on life and inability to hold back on anything draws you to the dark side in one swift swing of the club


You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.


Friday, April 9

Another Typical wednesday Night

Lately shit has been going overboard, and I have been getting waaaaay too drunk. I’m not to sure what has been the cause, hopefully my record-high tolerance has dropped, but I can’t really be sure. I can’t even blame it on the Midmar specials anymore because after a year and a half of excessively drinking that shit, I am happy to say that my body is now immune, even hangovers are rare; although my eye sight has taken a hit – a scientifically proven fact linking cheap spirits to deteriorating vision.

The last few weeks have ended in many fuzzy memories, bitch fights, swearing at police officers, swearing at friends, lost shoes and bags, unexpected nap-over’s and tears. Many tears. And last night was no exception. Although I traded the tears for getting naked instead – a worthwhile swap, because although you feel better after both, the getting naked option is more enjoyable while it is happening, if you catch my drift..?

I started the night with a law exam. Unfortunately my A.D.D had seriously kicked in and so the studying was startlingly unsuccessful, the result - only covering 6 of the 10 chapters. I pulled so much shit out of my ass in that two hours writing and spent 20% of the paper explaining how ‘Maria’ could break the law. Now I’m no expert but somehow I get the feeling that our lecturers would not be encouraging breaking the law and so my expectations are minimal...

ANYWAY! After playing down downs with myself I moved on to Plush! What a beautiful way to start a night out. Those songs do nothing but make me unbelievably horny and wish that Rory Elliot would divorce his wife. I mean the guys not even that good looking, but you could throw a guitar on the ugliest guy on the planet and I will probably jizz my pants within 30 seconds.

From here the night became a bit of a blur. In De Lapa I took it upon myself to lecture a stranger about the way he was treating his girlfriend. It went something along the lines of:
“You are one of the ugliest mother fuckers I have ever seen, so when she leaves you, which she will, you WILL be alone.”

Surprisingly he didn’t take my constructive criticism very well and shoved me across the bar. Well that’s what I thought. I thought this was followed by a few punches too but apparently my time line of the night is a bit skewed. There was a bit of a tiff though when one of the guys saw me getting shoved and so we were asked to leave.

Unperturbed we moved on to Springboks. While walking there a little fucker ran past one of the guys and grabbed his phone out of his hand. The stupid piece of shit, however, did not realise that this guy’s mate was a personal trainer and so before he could even get across the street he found himself on the floor. All of the ‘muggers’ mates joined in, as did all the boys we were with and before I had even processed what was going on there was a huge brawl on the pavement and 2 cop cars had pulled up. After telling the cops what had happened the ‘mugger’ didn’t even get so much as a slap on the wrist – another beautiful example of exactly how corrupt and embarrassingly bad our police system is.

The rest of night is half a mystery. I had fun, danced some more, drank some more, talked lots of shit, took off his top, allowed him to return the favour, and woke up naked, satisfied and still drunk. All in all another typical Wednesday night.

            Alice xxx

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