The sweet poppet who felt confined in this world of politics, arranged marriages and lady like behaviour decided to follow a little white rabbit with a waist coat and accidentally fell down a hole! Well, what people don’t know about Alice is that she is a horny little fuck! And falling into that hole has done nothing but set her free in the land of dreams, where she can gallivant around butt-naked, tits out and hormones racing! Now, in this Wonderland of vodka flowing rivers that glisten like disco balls and topsy-turvey flowers that enchant you with their smiles, this blonde bomb shell is out to play, and play she will! Although she has the tendency to be horribly vulgar and quite sultry at the same time- she’s a load of fun and will probably get your blood pumping, in all the right places!


The Queen of Hearts is a bitch. Her title most ironic. The Queen has anything but a heart (nor a brain for that matter). In its place lies a chamber full of hate and anger, pumping rage through her every being, her body feeding off other peoples misery and misfortunes. The Queen of Hearts, unable to see others pain through her own vanity, has no remorse or guilt. She is brutally honest and delivers it as it is. No matter how grotesque or unwanted the news might be. Through all of this, however, the Queen has an attractiveness about her. Like a spell it draws you in. Even with her arrogance, vulgarity, and plain right rudeness, one cannot help but to like her. Slowly you get sucked in and before you know it you too are one of her cards, her minions, laughing at her insults and joining in the name-game. Her hilarious outlook on life and inability to hold back on anything draws you to the dark side in one swift swing of the club


You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.


Wednesday, May 26

Steve Irwin? Who? It's Steve Benjamin... idiot...

These past few weeks of exams have got me thinking.... Mainly about my future of being a Chartered Accountant as that’s the direction I’m headed. I can’t say I’m extremely excited about the work I’ll be doing, but I’m excited about the cash, that’s for sure. We’ve all had our dreams of what we wanted to be when we grew up, mine began with ‘a ballerina on a horse’, and then it slowly progressed to a Formula One racing driver. I can’t say either worked, and I can’t say an accountant came into any of those dreams either. Ever. But we give up, forget, and move on.

Well I’m happy to say, one long-time friend of mine didn’t. Ladies and Gents, I give you, Steve Benjamin! At first meeting you’d think he’s a seemingly pretty down to earth, laid back sorta guy. Well let me tell you, he is anything but. He is one of the craziest mother fuckers I know, and soon to be one of the craziest mother fuckers you know! You see, Steve does deep-sea diving, but diving in a way that you’ve never seen before. He’s only 27 years old and he’s seen more than you and I will probably ever see in our life.

He free dives with all those beautiful creatures that we hope and pray we will never, EVER bump into. His love in life – sharks. He follows them , and our other marine friends around the world, swimming with them and capturing the moments. Just looking at the pictures makes me shit myself a million times over, the thought of actually being right in front of the beast, capturing the photo, sends my mind racing to images of blood and missing body parts, and my heart into a rapid frenzy of minor heart attacks...

But not for Steve. See for yourself! I give you – Steve and the Beasts!

More photo's after the break!

Spear Fishing!

How insane is that! And, I've got the best news of all! You can join Steve! Thats right, YOU can go with him. To see prices, see more photos, or to get more information visit our friend at his website,

Alice xxx

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