Queen <3
Saturday, May 29
Self Pity is a Crutch
There is nothing worse than people who pity themselves. Now I don’t mean one can’t cry over a sore toe, a crushed ego or a broken heart, but seriously, those manically depressed individuals who think that they are alone in the world, that they are more ugly than anyone else, and that nothing they do is ever good enough.... can just grow the fuck up and chuck that sense of self loathing!
I get that depression can often be a chemical imbalance in the brain and cannot be helped without the use of anti-depressants, but PLEASE for the love of god, if you are going to waste away in self pity, suffer alone! Yes, it is even worse when you have a problem with yourself and feel the need to get everyone around you involved too.
“Does my ass look big in these?”
No, no really you look great, if you are worried, maybe try a bigger size?
“Oh so it does look big then, it’s too tight and that means I’ve gained weight..... (Not that I ever do anything about it)”
-no, man fuck! You look good; I was just saying that, if it bothers you...
“So first you said I look great, now it’s just good. I knew you thought I looked fat”
Ah! Please, are you crazy! You look fucking HOT!
“Ok now you are just patronising me! If you really thought that, you would have said it in the first place...”
SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH! Can you see how exhausting it is when you are around someone who needs constant reassurance!? And the thing that sucks is that generally people like this have a very sharp sense of humour and are incredibly witty (I mean there has to be some reason why they would have friends) Well their sense of humour which often makes use of sarcasm is due to the fact that they are constantly putting themselves down in their own minds and therefore probably have really good come- backs if they ever had to be involved in a ripping-off battle.
Another characteristic about these types is that they are so obsessed with comparing themselves to other people, to make sure that they fit the criteria of “normal” that every other endeavour in their lives becomes unproductive. Granted, these people often have already found their niche’ in life (because they analyse their own person so fucking much) and generally they excel in this, but it’s the only thing they can accomplish! They struggle to master the basic things in life like; keeping friends or knowing what is appropriate to say in a conversation or meeting new people (they choose to only surround themselves with long term friends and people who know them really well) and this is just fucking pathetic.
Try to see the world in terms of its bigger scheme; in fact just try to see the world. Get out of that enclosed, self-critical view that you have and open up your mind as to what is more important in life. It boils down to priorities and perception. Your average life, and your average looks are fucking average, and if it makes you feel better, “average” is like ‘standard’ or NORMAL. Stop making up problems, there are none, if you want to be a rebel, junky from a broken home and an abusive mother- then write a damn book, and you can live through your character. But for now, try and see how great your life is, and how much worse other people have it. I know you have probably heard this a thousand times before, but its true THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS PERFECT!!!!!
You are wasting your life feeling like you’re odd and that people are watching you wherever you go, Wasting your life looking into every mirror or shop window that you pass, just to see your own reflection and to judge yourself, fucking wasting your life when you don’t want people to stare for too long – cause it might cause an awkward moment. There is far too much damage and dirt in this world for you to waste your life on something that exists only in your mind. The only one who is critical, judgemental, obnoxious and sad, is you! And if you do have a very unfortunate background that made you this way, I promise you that there is always someone who is worse off, always!
You need to stand proud, look at yourself in a different light and soon other will see you differently too. The secret is that when you think people are gazing at your imperfections and taking note of them critically, actually, the only thing they are looking at is the way you hate yourself so much. Yes, people can see it and they don’t understand why. Confidence can turn you into a pro-active, self- loving, contributing human being, instead of a miserable sod! No one is going to run up to you and scream “you’re beautiful and I love you!” so say it too yourself! When you can admit that to yourself, you can be free and approachable. Only then will love and admiration find you.
Queen <3
Queen <3
Friday, May 28
The Curse of Man
It is easy to spot someone who is not getting any action. All around the world, every day of the year, there are thousands of sexually deprived boys and girls who lurk in the valley of frustration, where not only single folk, but those that are in relationships too, get sucked into this ‘curse of aggravation’ and often make it very publically visible.
Have you ever seen a dude in class, looking really strangely into the distance, while clenching his legs very close together? Then suddenly you notice that his eyes start travelling from one girl to the next as he searches for some visual stimulation. Well, that is a clear sign of someone in need of sexual satisfaction. Then you have the girl who sits on a bench reading a novel, probably a romance, ‘Mills and Boon’ kind of shit. If you focus on her for long enough, you will begin to notice her cross her legs, then again to the other side, then she glances up to see who’s looking, then glances down again and continues alternating sitting positions while her cheeks blush. Boom! Horny, and wanting some lovin’.
Lets move on to those friends of yours who all of a sudden seem more edgy than usual, ready to snap at any minute. Lack of sex increases aggression and assault, and it is understandable. Jesus, if I were a hormone, escalating up and down as a thought aroused me, then had to settle again, without actually being able to blow, Fuck! I’d be ready to pound a brick into the face of the next person who smiles.
Masturbation is always an option in relieving such suffering, but I’m talking about those uncontrollable urges that people seem to randomly experience during the worst times, on campus, in class, or at work. Now unless you are like Runckle (Californication), you will have the decency to wait until you get home before “settling the storm.”
So you get home, what a fucking surprise, “Mom it’s so nice of you to visit!” She stays for dinner, you have to clean up, then your best friend calls for relationship advise, and the only advise you can give as to why ‘Johny won’t pay enough attention to Sally’, is “because you not throwing your pussy at him!!!!!”... With this, it’s pretty much a given that there is serious tension in the nether regions. No, not only the nether regions, in fact sexual frustration is much like a disease that takes over your entire body, slowly eating away at your every being....
I can only describe the same kind of pain and frustration to people who are creatively inclined and incapable of expressing their inner desires. It’s like an artist without a paintbrush, a singer without a microphone or a fat person without a burger! Desperately trudging through the day as your frustration starts to build, grinding away at your teeth until all you have left is gum, rubbing your hands around and around as your skin begins to flake, clenching your knees tighter and tighter until your knees are blue, bleeding from the inside... That is the horror of sexual frustration. That is the curse of man.
Yes, I write this as I too experience such dismay and feel that I have been infected with the disease. It is an incessant fluctuation of boiling blood that never seems to rest. Why we don’t have public ejaculation cubicles bewilders me, - but I guess that’s what one could call a prostitute. All I can do now to fight it is page through sport magazines, imagining the after match shower next to Victor Matfield, “Grr come to Mama you hunk of Cave- Man!”
Q <3
Q <3
Wednesday, May 26
Steve Irwin? Who? It's Steve Benjamin... idiot...
These past few weeks of exams have got me thinking.... Mainly about my future of being a Chartered Accountant as that’s the direction I’m headed. I can’t say I’m extremely excited about the work I’ll be doing, but I’m excited about the cash, that’s for sure. We’ve all had our dreams of what we wanted to be when we grew up, mine began with ‘a ballerina on a horse’, and then it slowly progressed to a Formula One racing driver. I can’t say either worked, and I can’t say an accountant came into any of those dreams either. Ever. But we give up, forget, and move on.
Well I’m happy to say, one long-time friend of mine didn’t. Ladies and Gents, I give you, Steve Benjamin! At first meeting you’d think he’s a seemingly pretty down to earth, laid back sorta guy. Well let me tell you, he is anything but. He is one of the craziest mother fuckers I know, and soon to be one of the craziest mother fuckers you know! You see, Steve does deep-sea diving, but diving in a way that you’ve never seen before. He’s only 27 years old and he’s seen more than you and I will probably ever see in our life.
He free dives with all those beautiful creatures that we hope and pray we will never, EVER bump into. His love in life – sharks. He follows them , and our other marine friends around the world, swimming with them and capturing the moments. Just looking at the pictures makes me shit myself a million times over, the thought of actually being right in front of the beast, capturing the photo, sends my mind racing to images of blood and missing body parts, and my heart into a rapid frenzy of minor heart attacks...
But not for Steve. See for yourself! I give you – Steve and the Beasts!
More photo's after the break!
Thursday, May 20
A Girl's Gotta Do What A Girl's Gotta Do...
Now there are some things in my life that I can let slide. Forget about, get over, move on. They become less hot, less funny, and I find myself wondering why the fuck I was ever interested in the first place!? I can look and I can look but no matter how hard I observe this male specimen, the reason is just beyond me.
But sometimes, no matter what, the attraction remains and they make it onto my “To Do” list. For reasons I can’t explain I just can’t let them slide. I do not have any romantic feelings towards them anymore or any of that nauseating crap, there is just a curiosity of what would it be like the 2 of us in the sack. Would we gel? Would I orgasm? Would it be an awesome no-strings-attached-yet-there-is-a-bit-of-a-history fuck?
I mean the list is just fool proof! It’s a 100% guarantee of a good time. It’s brilliant really. It’s better than the normal one-night-stand (and they are pretty good too) because you have actually thought about this, fantasised over it even. It doesn’t come as a surprise when you wake up in the morning after a big night out; surrounded by the lingering smell of sweat, cigarettes, and sex, cum stains on your bed, and your vag feeling a bit raw. You had this planned! And now you can pat your self on the back, count your victory, swim in the sensation of accomplishment, and cross him off the list!
My “To Do” list I take very seriously, and it is definitely not something that I rush. Once the “chosen person” is on this list he is there for life, and in the end, we WILL do the nasty. It’s not a long list, only a select few, but so far it’s been great fun. It really puts ones priorities in order.
I highly suggest you make a “To Do” list. Just think about how once the deed is done, the sense of accomplishment that you will feel!? It’s phenomenal. But there needs to be a limit – certain criteria need to be met, other wise you will find every friend’s ex-boyfriend, old best friend, boss, and friend’s brother on there. It will become a list longer than Hugh Heffner’s and that is quite a feat. You don’t want to be disappointed at the end of your days when your list is only half complete. You want to be ecstatic - dying with a smile on your face because you know that you fucked the shit out of every lucky guy that wandered onto the list!
Alice xxx
But sometimes, no matter what, the attraction remains and they make it onto my “To Do” list. For reasons I can’t explain I just can’t let them slide. I do not have any romantic feelings towards them anymore or any of that nauseating crap, there is just a curiosity of what would it be like the 2 of us in the sack. Would we gel? Would I orgasm? Would it be an awesome no-strings-attached-yet-there-is-a-bit-of-a-history fuck?
I mean the list is just fool proof! It’s a 100% guarantee of a good time. It’s brilliant really. It’s better than the normal one-night-stand (and they are pretty good too) because you have actually thought about this, fantasised over it even. It doesn’t come as a surprise when you wake up in the morning after a big night out; surrounded by the lingering smell of sweat, cigarettes, and sex, cum stains on your bed, and your vag feeling a bit raw. You had this planned! And now you can pat your self on the back, count your victory, swim in the sensation of accomplishment, and cross him off the list!
My “To Do” list I take very seriously, and it is definitely not something that I rush. Once the “chosen person” is on this list he is there for life, and in the end, we WILL do the nasty. It’s not a long list, only a select few, but so far it’s been great fun. It really puts ones priorities in order.
I highly suggest you make a “To Do” list. Just think about how once the deed is done, the sense of accomplishment that you will feel!? It’s phenomenal. But there needs to be a limit – certain criteria need to be met, other wise you will find every friend’s ex-boyfriend, old best friend, boss, and friend’s brother on there. It will become a list longer than Hugh Heffner’s and that is quite a feat. You don’t want to be disappointed at the end of your days when your list is only half complete. You want to be ecstatic - dying with a smile on your face because you know that you fucked the shit out of every lucky guy that wandered onto the list!
Alice xxx
Saturday, May 15
Simon Cowell vs. Quincy Jones
A few weeks ago I showed you the Haiti tribute song, produced by Quincy Jones. It made it to number one on ITunes and so far has raised over 63 million dollars! Now it was absolutely amazing and pretty unbeatable, but Simon Cowell challenged Mr Jones, ensuring that he would come up with a better compilation.
Well I followed up on that, and he did. Simon Cowell created a re-make of R.E.M’s Everybody Hurts, comprising of 21 stars like Leona Lewis, Mariah Carey, Jon Bon Jovi, Robbie Williams, Kylie, Rod Stewart, Alexandra Burke, Miley Cyrus (who has been lucky enough to feature in both tributes), Cheryl Cole, Mika, Michael BublĂ©, James Blunt, James Morrison, Susan Boyle, Westlife, and others.
Another phenomenal re-make! Hugely moving. A bit more graphic than the other tribute what with the people stuck in the rubble and all, but it’s necessary. If it actually came down to it I’d have to say that I prefer Quincey's version, but it really doesn’t matter.
Someone else, however, was not quite as positive about the whole thing... This is what they had to say:
Hmmmm... Once put like that the lyrics do seem a bit ironic, but I can’t say I’m going to get all worked up about it. In the end it isn’t the song but the visual imagery that people react and respond to. Like they’ve always said, a picture is worth a thousand words...
Alice xxx
Well I followed up on that, and he did. Simon Cowell created a re-make of R.E.M’s Everybody Hurts, comprising of 21 stars like Leona Lewis, Mariah Carey, Jon Bon Jovi, Robbie Williams, Kylie, Rod Stewart, Alexandra Burke, Miley Cyrus (who has been lucky enough to feature in both tributes), Cheryl Cole, Mika, Michael BublĂ©, James Blunt, James Morrison, Susan Boyle, Westlife, and others.
Another phenomenal re-make! Hugely moving. A bit more graphic than the other tribute what with the people stuck in the rubble and all, but it’s necessary. If it actually came down to it I’d have to say that I prefer Quincey's version, but it really doesn’t matter.
Someone else, however, was not quite as positive about the whole thing... This is what they had to say:
“A humanitarian disaster of unimaginable proportions has hit a country long buckling from centuries of corruption and poverty. And what is pop’s response? Everybody hurts. It’s not just you, poor things. We poor creatures hurt too. “When the day is long” – hey, we sympathise, those aftershocks must be a right bitch, especially when you don’t know when they’re going to bury your family home deeper in debris – and “the night is yours alone” – especially when your wife and children are dead, and you haven’t got any food or water, that must be a right bummer – well, “hang on”. That’s what pop says: “hang on”. The temerity of that lyrical twist, its jaw-dropping tastelessness, telling people that have had to hang on already, forever, to just bolster their spirits in the face of devastation – a state unknown to pop stars who wouldn’t piss in a bottle for less than ten grand – makes it pop’s grimmest moment of all time.”http://thequietus.com/articles/03670-haiti-appeal-everybody-hurts-rem-simon-cowell
Hmmmm... Once put like that the lyrics do seem a bit ironic, but I can’t say I’m going to get all worked up about it. In the end it isn’t the song but the visual imagery that people react and respond to. Like they’ve always said, a picture is worth a thousand words...
Alice xxx
Thursday, May 6
Look Out! International Awesomeness Heading Our Way!!!
Friday, is the day my friends! It’s the last time to go totally ape shit before exams begin, and what better way is there to do that than at Assembly with Haezer, Grave Danger, Bruce Willis, Lapse, Blush ‘n Bass, and INTERNATIONAL awesomeness Cyberpunkers!!! That’s right boys and girls, they’re here. They are doing a South African tour, saying hello to CT, Jozi, Durbs, a host of other places, and even Stellies! You can’t say no. People are going to be talking about it. You WILL miss out. If you refuse, it will do nothing but take you back to those feeling of isolation, those feelings that always arose when your pure little innocent virgin self was sitting amongst a group of whores as they discussed their favourite sex positions. You don’t want that to happen again do you?
I thought not. So be there or be square!
I thought not. So be there or be square!
Alice xxx
Tuesday, May 4
It's a Tough Life
Now I haven’t posted something in a while. I’ve wanted to, but there just hasn’t been time. I’m not too sure why because I still have not attended lectures (It’s going on nearly 6 weeks of unattended class, a frightening and horrific statistic), I still have not joined the gym (especially after I went for a run about 2 weeks ago and fucked up my leg so badly that I had to skip for four kilometers back to the car), and I still have not looked at a textbook or done that assignment that was due for 2 weeks ago. None-the-less, life has been hectic! The social calendar has been off the charts!
To try and create a bit of a lull in this department, I decided to stay in Stellenbosch for the weekend and to do some work. Everyone seemed to be going to Cape Town and so I would have nothing to do except work. Well that was a fail. Some Cape Town mates came up on Friday to watch Die Antwoord. It ended up being an awesome, eventful night; although I missed Die Antwoord due to my empty wallet, got hit on by a man that looked like he could be my grandfather, walked into a tree, fell down a flight of stairs, apparently hooked up, and found my friend passed out against my front door, using the step as a pillow. On a positive note I partied in great company, didn’t spend much money (there was nothing to spend), got free Mc Donalds, got a random lift home, and got to jam to PH Fat!
And so, with that, Saturday rolled in. I had planned to spend the day alone, with nothing except my books and an overdose of self-discipline. That was until The Queen rocked up. Before I knew it I had been to the Food Fair, returned, gotten comfy on the balcony, and popped open a bottle of champagne. Two hours later I found myself in Blouberg Strand with 5 other girls, 3 Gin and Tonics down, and another in my hand. Self discipline is not my friend.
Not long after, The Queen and I were absolutely motherless jamming in Stones and Buckleys; not having paid for one drink, having played hundreds of games of pool, and having made thousands of friends. Two of these lucky boys found their way home with us whereupon we partied until the sun came up, chilled on the beach, and then waved them off at 6am; pretending not to have noticed that they had reversed into the house – denting their Merc and leaving a huge black mark on the wall.
And so... Sunday swung by. After spending the whole day on the beach we decided to settle down and do some work. On Saturday I had consoled my self-loathing at my pathetic capability of being able to get my priorities in order, take life seriously, and do some work, by taking my bookbag along to Blouberg. It had worked and I felt good, but oh boy was that short lived. You see while I was frolicking on the beach doing fuck all except further confirm how useless I am, some sneaky mother fucker snuck into the house and grabbed the first thing he saw – my bookbag! Seriously.
We were sure that he must have dumped it and so we commenced our search for the bright green bag. We found a bag alright, but not my bag. We found the owner of it using nothing but a Temporary drivers licence and a video card (the only things remaining in his wallet). What detectives are we!?! It's insane!This guy, Nicolas, had had his car broken into earlier that day and because there was nothing but Bible books and verses in there, the thief had dumped it. I’m still trying to figure out if his bag was left because it’s contents would bring karma, a moral conscience, and hell, or because the contents were of no worth to him...
Either way some motherfucker is sitting happily; covering my exam pad with stick men as he tries out every coloured highlighter known to man, while trying to figure out what planet a flash-disk originates from, with the assurance that he will definitely get laid tonight seeing as he just bestowed his wife with a beautiful green bag from Germany, smiling as he looks down at his hand, the R250 remaining of my food money looking lovely in his grubby paws, while his toes curl above the warm flames slowly enveloping and devouring my years worth of hand written notes. Fucking Great.
Alice xxx
To try and create a bit of a lull in this department, I decided to stay in Stellenbosch for the weekend and to do some work. Everyone seemed to be going to Cape Town and so I would have nothing to do except work. Well that was a fail. Some Cape Town mates came up on Friday to watch Die Antwoord. It ended up being an awesome, eventful night; although I missed Die Antwoord due to my empty wallet, got hit on by a man that looked like he could be my grandfather, walked into a tree, fell down a flight of stairs, apparently hooked up, and found my friend passed out against my front door, using the step as a pillow. On a positive note I partied in great company, didn’t spend much money (there was nothing to spend), got free Mc Donalds, got a random lift home, and got to jam to PH Fat!
And so, with that, Saturday rolled in. I had planned to spend the day alone, with nothing except my books and an overdose of self-discipline. That was until The Queen rocked up. Before I knew it I had been to the Food Fair, returned, gotten comfy on the balcony, and popped open a bottle of champagne. Two hours later I found myself in Blouberg Strand with 5 other girls, 3 Gin and Tonics down, and another in my hand. Self discipline is not my friend.
Not long after, The Queen and I were absolutely motherless jamming in Stones and Buckleys; not having paid for one drink, having played hundreds of games of pool, and having made thousands of friends. Two of these lucky boys found their way home with us whereupon we partied until the sun came up, chilled on the beach, and then waved them off at 6am; pretending not to have noticed that they had reversed into the house – denting their Merc and leaving a huge black mark on the wall.
And so... Sunday swung by. After spending the whole day on the beach we decided to settle down and do some work. On Saturday I had consoled my self-loathing at my pathetic capability of being able to get my priorities in order, take life seriously, and do some work, by taking my bookbag along to Blouberg. It had worked and I felt good, but oh boy was that short lived. You see while I was frolicking on the beach doing fuck all except further confirm how useless I am, some sneaky mother fucker snuck into the house and grabbed the first thing he saw – my bookbag! Seriously.
We were sure that he must have dumped it and so we commenced our search for the bright green bag. We found a bag alright, but not my bag. We found the owner of it using nothing but a Temporary drivers licence and a video card (the only things remaining in his wallet). What detectives are we!?! It's insane!This guy, Nicolas, had had his car broken into earlier that day and because there was nothing but Bible books and verses in there, the thief had dumped it. I’m still trying to figure out if his bag was left because it’s contents would bring karma, a moral conscience, and hell, or because the contents were of no worth to him...
Either way some motherfucker is sitting happily; covering my exam pad with stick men as he tries out every coloured highlighter known to man, while trying to figure out what planet a flash-disk originates from, with the assurance that he will definitely get laid tonight seeing as he just bestowed his wife with a beautiful green bag from Germany, smiling as he looks down at his hand, the R250 remaining of my food money looking lovely in his grubby paws, while his toes curl above the warm flames slowly enveloping and devouring my years worth of hand written notes. Fucking Great.
Alice xxx
"Fucking faggot should stop taking it in the ass and go to school."
German, motherfucker!
Have you heard of it?!
Monday, May 3
New Moan... The Taylor Saga!
This is a comment that we received recently about the blog on Anton Taylors’ article. Thought I might share it and try to indicate just how silly some people can be...
Ok Gossip Girl... lets begin at pointing out a ridiculous statement:
I am so happy that you got the point babyshooz, as that is exactly what I intended on doing; instead of attacking UCT, (because I truly believe it to be an amazing university,) I did indeed attack Anton, because if I did attack UCT then, firstly: I would be lowering myself to Anton’s’ level.
Secondly: I would be generalizing and saying that all UCT students feel this way about Stellies, which they do not. I would never insult a university with such prestige. Anton generalised, he stereotyped us and he displayed discrimination. Of course I would only retaliate to him and no one else, he is the one to blame, not UCT... you not a very bright girl are you? Because.... attacking a culture or group of people is seriously more bias, morally wrong and discriminative than insulting one person.
The reason for putting the profile pictures up was that we thought we would give our readers some kind of indication of how Anton looks, as well as showing his contradicting nature where he calls us “the drunken vagrants of tertiary education.” – Why call us that when he himself is clearly a heavy drinker? His insults on Stellenbosch gave the impression that he is a saint, which he clearly is not. “These pitiful creatures” was also thrown at us- Puking and making it his profile picture is pretty pitiful, and if he is so proud of the pics, why is it such a problem?? I’m sensing a wee bit of embarrassment.
Anyways, “this shitty attack” is anything but sour, I was simply addressing his assertion and showing how utterly wrong it is, not only unsubstantiated, but prejudice and immoral. I was giving Stellenbosch a voice, not aimed at insulting any students form UCT but Anton himself. I’m actually really sorry you feel this way, because you are a UCT student, and this was not aimed at you, it has nothing to do with you at all, like I said, it was just a little response, giving my view on the subject.
In the same breath however, I feel that your comment was needed, so that I could make clear my intentions with the blog post. I do not condone UCT, but rather Anton Taylor- so unless you are him, I have no goal in mocking you what so ever, no matter what university you come from.
It is our pleasure for providing you with entertainment and appreciate your contribution to our comment section. As you can see, we take all comments into consideration and try our best to answer even the most trivial of questions and respond to even the densest of opinions. It is also good to know that you are a religious reader and thank you for your prevalence on our stat counter.
Queen <3
babyshooz said...
hey doll, i read your "'retaliation' in words" before commenting on this frankly feeble blog post. I thought it would be cheap and mean to roast your written retort by arguing how it's an attack on Anton PERSONALLY whereas he is criticizing a general group, culture and mindset; honestly a cheap, immature, sour comeback to attack him personally (especially by perpetuating the problem you have with him- YOU don't know HIM: just as much as HE doesn't know stellenbosch students). that's an argument for another day and another blogpost though- this one is the one i was attacking, i don't need a link to the other (thanks for the help ;) ) and as before, this is still a shitty attack at him. profile pictures. honestly. if anyone is sour... it's gotta be you- the "anonymous" group who attack the man himself.
but, i mean, who am I to criticize, I "dont have the ability to read"
thanks for the entertainment
gossip girl
Ok Gossip Girl... lets begin at pointing out a ridiculous statement:
“attack on Anton PERSONALLY whereas he is criticizing a general group, culture and mindset”
I am so happy that you got the point babyshooz, as that is exactly what I intended on doing; instead of attacking UCT, (because I truly believe it to be an amazing university,) I did indeed attack Anton, because if I did attack UCT then, firstly: I would be lowering myself to Anton’s’ level.
Secondly: I would be generalizing and saying that all UCT students feel this way about Stellies, which they do not. I would never insult a university with such prestige. Anton generalised, he stereotyped us and he displayed discrimination. Of course I would only retaliate to him and no one else, he is the one to blame, not UCT... you not a very bright girl are you? Because.... attacking a culture or group of people is seriously more bias, morally wrong and discriminative than insulting one person.
The reason for putting the profile pictures up was that we thought we would give our readers some kind of indication of how Anton looks, as well as showing his contradicting nature where he calls us “the drunken vagrants of tertiary education.” – Why call us that when he himself is clearly a heavy drinker? His insults on Stellenbosch gave the impression that he is a saint, which he clearly is not. “These pitiful creatures” was also thrown at us- Puking and making it his profile picture is pretty pitiful, and if he is so proud of the pics, why is it such a problem?? I’m sensing a wee bit of embarrassment.
Anyways, “this shitty attack” is anything but sour, I was simply addressing his assertion and showing how utterly wrong it is, not only unsubstantiated, but prejudice and immoral. I was giving Stellenbosch a voice, not aimed at insulting any students form UCT but Anton himself. I’m actually really sorry you feel this way, because you are a UCT student, and this was not aimed at you, it has nothing to do with you at all, like I said, it was just a little response, giving my view on the subject.
In the same breath however, I feel that your comment was needed, so that I could make clear my intentions with the blog post. I do not condone UCT, but rather Anton Taylor- so unless you are him, I have no goal in mocking you what so ever, no matter what university you come from.
It is our pleasure for providing you with entertainment and appreciate your contribution to our comment section. As you can see, we take all comments into consideration and try our best to answer even the most trivial of questions and respond to even the densest of opinions. It is also good to know that you are a religious reader and thank you for your prevalence on our stat counter.
Queen <3
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