The sweet poppet who felt confined in this world of politics, arranged marriages and lady like behaviour decided to follow a little white rabbit with a waist coat and accidentally fell down a hole! Well, what people don’t know about Alice is that she is a horny little fuck! And falling into that hole has done nothing but set her free in the land of dreams, where she can gallivant around butt-naked, tits out and hormones racing! Now, in this Wonderland of vodka flowing rivers that glisten like disco balls and topsy-turvey flowers that enchant you with their smiles, this blonde bomb shell is out to play, and play she will! Although she has the tendency to be horribly vulgar and quite sultry at the same time- she’s a load of fun and will probably get your blood pumping, in all the right places!


The Queen of Hearts is a bitch. Her title most ironic. The Queen has anything but a heart (nor a brain for that matter). In its place lies a chamber full of hate and anger, pumping rage through her every being, her body feeding off other peoples misery and misfortunes. The Queen of Hearts, unable to see others pain through her own vanity, has no remorse or guilt. She is brutally honest and delivers it as it is. No matter how grotesque or unwanted the news might be. Through all of this, however, the Queen has an attractiveness about her. Like a spell it draws you in. Even with her arrogance, vulgarity, and plain right rudeness, one cannot help but to like her. Slowly you get sucked in and before you know it you too are one of her cards, her minions, laughing at her insults and joining in the name-game. Her hilarious outlook on life and inability to hold back on anything draws you to the dark side in one swift swing of the club


You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.


Wednesday, August 18

Let The Games Begin!!!

Good afternoon my sweet angels.

It has come to our attention that the SA blog awards are around the corner...
Now we have been going for a only a short while, and do not exactly expect to feature, but you know what, we are going to give it a bash... I mean, what do we have to lose right?

So please vote for us. Get your flat mates, siblings, friends, anyone, to hop on the train and let’s take this to a new level.

You can follow the link on the right hand side of our page, or click on the picture below...
We are only trying for one category, BEST GROUP BLOG, so please stick to that one.
They will then send you a confirmation email, and you have to follow THAT link in order for your vote to go through, so please let's try our absolute best to follow through with this whole process. Take some ritalin if you have too...


nominate this blog


  1. Why didn't you try going for best new blog as well? Xoxo

  2. done and nominated biatches**

  3. listen here madhatters this tea break/ party of yours has carried on for way too long now!
    Please get your red and fury butts infront of the computer and give me my juicy fix...
    Thank you! :)
    kind regards your most loyal fan! ;)
